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vt.& vi. 问,询问; 需要; 要求,请求; 邀请 vt. 邀请; 请求允许; 要价; 询问 vi. 请,邀请; 询问; 要求; 1.例句: That was Nicholas's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie. 那表示尼古拉斯还想要一块巧克力曲奇。 He was too proud to ask his family for help and support. 他自尊心太强,不愿向家人寻求帮助和支持。 Can I just ask something 'cos I'm really quite interested in this. 我能不能问个问题,因为我对这个真的很感兴趣。 过去式: asked 过去分词: asked 现在分词: asking 第三人称单数: asks 问;询问If you ask someone something, you say something to them in the form of a question because you want to know the answer. 'How is Frank?' he asked... “弗兰克怎么样了?”他问道。 I asked him his name... 我询问了他的名字。 要求…(做…);请求…(做…)If you ask someone to do something, you tell them that you want them to do it. We had to ask him to leave... 我们不得不要求他离开。 She said she had been asked to take two suitcases to Africa by a man called Sean. 她说有个名叫肖恩的男人要她带两个手提箱去非洲。

2,be of 的用法 都有哪些

be of 后可接两种不同性质和类型的名词,他们的意义大相径庭。 一、be of 后可接value, importance, use, help, significance, interest, benefit 等一些抽象词, 这样的结构用来说明句子主语所具有的作用、重要性或意义。 在这类抽象名词前我们可用一些形 词,如: great, little, some, any, no, not much等来修饰抽象名词,用以说明程度。如: 1、They are of great help to learners of English. 他们对英语学习者有很大帮助。 2、The book will be of great value to students of history. 这本书对学历史的学生将很有用。 二、be of +名词,还可用来说明句子主语在度量,大小,颜色,类别等方面的特征。这类名词有 colour, age, size, height, weight, shape, type,kind, quality等。在这类名词前常用different, all, the same, this, that, a(n) + 形容词等词来修饰或说明。如: 1、Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes, and of different metals. 货币可能在大小、重量、形状和铸造的金属方面都有所不同。 2、These pens are of many different colours. 这些笔有许多不同的颜色。 “be of + 抽象名词”结构词”。如:be of value→be valuable, be of help→be helpful, be of use→be useful, be of  importance→be important, be of significance→be significant等。它们之间可以相互转 换, 因此,以上各例句可转换为: 1、They are very helpful to learners of English. 他们对英语学习者有很大帮助。 2、This book is very valuable to students of history. 这本书对学历史的学生将很有用。