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  散步对于我们的身体有好处,而且不失为一个锻炼的好方式。下面是我给大家整理的对什么有好处英语短语,供大家参阅!   对什么有好处英语短语篇1   1. I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest.   我感觉吐吐苦水对我有好处。   2. Whom would it profit to terrify or to kill James Sinclair?   恐吓或者干掉詹姆斯·辛克莱对谁会有好处?   3. The holiday will have done him the world of good.   假期定会对他大有好处。   4. It's probably done you good to get away for a few hours.   离开几小时或许对你有好处。   5. The parting from his sister had a positive effect on John.   和姐姐分开对约翰来说有好处。   6. A little food would do us all some good.   吃点东西,对我们大家都会有好处。   7. He thinks boxing is good for kids, that it toughens them up.   他认为拳击对小孩子有好处,可使他们变得坚强。   8. It'lldo you good to take a rest.   休息一下对你有好处。   9. I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed.   补牙可能对我有好处。   10. It would do her good to be shocked into changing her opinion.   给她以震动,从而使她改变主意,这会对她有好处.   11. His holiday has done him a power of good.   度过了这一假期对他大有好处.   12. He thought he would benefit from going to school.   他认为上学对他有好处.   13. A little discipline would do him a world of good.   略加惩处对他会大有好处.   14. Moderate exercise will benefit you.   适当的锻炼对你有好处.   15. Eat more fruit. It will do you good.   多吃水果对你有好处.   对什么有好处英语短语篇2   这对你健康有好处.   It’s good for your health.   这里的工程不仅仅是为了奥运会",我的邻居FengHuiming说道,他在当地的邮局上班,"这对世界都有好处."   "The work here isn't just good for us," says my neighbor Feng Huiming, who works at the localpost office. "It's good for the world."   我不喜欢菠菜,即使我知道它对我很有好处.   I don’t like spinach even though I know it’s good for me.   散步对我们有好处.   A walk would do us good.   专家说,偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处.   Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good.   PhilipBarry挖苦爱的特征为"陷入爱情就是被爱情冲昏了头脑"这句挖苦不适合评价虚拟的浪漫关系,因为它们是以思想为基础.正如一个人备注所说"我会说虚拟性爱对大脑有好处."   Philip Barry wryly characterized love as "Two minds without a single thought." Such an ironic characterization applies much less to online romantic relationships, which are based uponthoughts.   多喝茶会让你的牙变黄,但是对你的身体有好处.   Too much tea will brown your teeth,but it's good for your health.   其实运动对新陈代谢有好处.   Actually it is good for the metabolism.   植树造林对人人 都有好处.   afforestation is to everyone's benefit. (afforestation benefits everyone.) ;   用脑袋对你不会有任何好处.   It won’t do you any good having them in your head.   “这对你有好处,A.J,”她说,“你是在尝试创作无调性的曲子吧。”   Good for you, A. J", she said. You're experimenting in atonal compositions."   在他托勒密式的宇宙观里,更可能的结论是:伟大的艺术家是对你有好处的,就象书上说椰菜对人的身体有好处一样.   A far more likely theory, in his Ptolemaic model of the universe, is that a great artist issomething that's good for you, like broccoli, because someone said so in a book.   对什么有好处英语短语篇3   所以我想,是有点不同,但对双方都有很大的好处.   So ,I think ,uh, there a little bit different,but it's also ,it's uh ,do a great deal of good for both sides.   金融市场期盼美国国库的投资将明确的对两家公司的1.6万亿债务有好处,但是公司的股票将可能一文不值。   Financial markets have come to expect that an investment by the U. S. Treasury wouldexplicitly back the companies' $1.6 trillion in debt, but leave their shares nearly valueless.   “你要专心依赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明”(箴言3:5).为什么信靠上帝会对健康有好处呢?   "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5 NIV). Why is trusting in God good for your health?   这个人说:“结婚似乎对我们的朋友约瑟夫很有好处.最近,他确实是精力充沛.在办公室工作也比以往更卖力.看来,他比以前高兴多了。”   Getting married seems to be good for our friend Joseph. He's sure full of beans these days. Heworks a lot harder in the office and looks like he's enjoying life a lot more.   关于体育运动的愉悦和对每个人的身体健康有好处,你说得很正确.   You,you talked ,uh ,very helpfully about the pleasure and benefit of sport for the health of ,um,everyone .   保利协鑫能源执行总裁江游表示,"这对中国的多晶硅行业和环境都有好处."   "This is positive for China's polysilicon sector, and the environment," said GCL-Poly presidentHunter Jiang.   不过到头来必和必拓料仍会令监管者相信,其收购Potash这家全球排名第一的化肥商对加拿大和萨斯喀彻温省都会有好处.   But in the end BHP is expected to convince regulators a deal for Potash Corp, the world's No.1fertilizer supplier, is good for Canada and the Prairie province of Saskatchewan.   是的,我发现慢跑对我有好处,所以我就坚持下来了.   B:Yes, I find jogging does good to me, so I deep on doing it.   尽管对客户来说采用云计算有很多好处,但34.4%的ERP客户表示对此没有兴趣。   While there are numerous benefits to cloud adoption for clients, 34.4% of ERP customersshowed no interest.   路透北京9月14日电---如果说这次全球经济危机对哪一个国家是有好处的,那非中国莫属.   BEIJING (Reuters) - If any country can be said to have had a good crisis, it is China.   "谷歌维持在中国的业务对它自身有好处,而中国政府也能从中受益."Mendelson称."   "Google has some interest in maintaining a presence in China, and the Chinese governmenthas an interest as well," said Mendelson.   "谷歌维持在中国的业务对它自身有好处,而中国政府也能从中受益."Mendelson称."   "Google has some interest in maintaining a presence in China, and the Chinese governmenthas an interest as well," said Mendelson.



  会缝衣服,对于衣服破裂的情况发生时就有用处了。下面是我给大家整理的对有用处英语短语,供大家参阅!   对有用处英语短语篇1   1. The contents of this booklet should be of use to all students.   这本小册子的内容应该会对所有的学生都有用处。   2. This handy pocket dictionary is a boon to me.   这本灵便的袖珍词典对我很有用处.   3. We shall find this definition useful for the determination of the critical load.   采用这个定义,对确定临界荷载是有用处的.   4. The HP Smart Web Printing program proved useful for online - shopping research.   经过试用,我觉得该软件对网上购物很有用处.   5. Data derived from population censuses is useful for social researchers.   从人口普查中得到的数据对社会研究者们很有用处.   6. I think you may be of very great service to me.   我敢说你对我一定大有用处.   7. Is this reference book of any use to me?   这本参考书对我有用处 吗 ?   8. This is can be useful to test your array.   这个对你测试阵列很有用处.   9. The secretion of bile is useful for our bodies.   胆汁的分泌对我们的身体很有用处.   10. The list of students from China is helpful to me.   中国留学生名单对我很有用处.   11. Though plastics have benefits , Baker says, there a lot of gratuitous use.   贝克说:尽管塑胶制品(对人类)有用处, 它也有很多不必要的使用.   12. Your advice was of great use to me.   你的忠告对我很有用处.   13. Perhaps this book will prove to be of some use to you in your studies.   也许这本书会对你的研究有用处.   14. If the book will be of any use to you, you can have it for keeps.   如果这本书对你有用处的话, 你可以永远保留之.   15. You'll find this map to be of great value in helping you to get around Beijing.   你会发现这张地图对你在北京活动大有用处.   对有用处英语短语篇2   这本参考书对我有用处吗?   Is this reference book of any use to me?   我也可能会觉得现在我不想做这件事,我也不想回复,但这个组织以后可能对我有用处,所以我把它作为参考资料。   be useful later on to know about this group, so I file it as a piece of reference material. 如果我给一张照片标上我的标签,这说明该照片对我有用处,但它并没有为更多的人所用。   If I tag a photograph with my own tags, that means the photograph is more useful to me; but itis not necessarily more broadly useful.   我希望这个教程能对你有用处,如果你有什么问题请跟我联系。   I hope that this Making Of has been helpful. If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.   如果这本书对你有用处的话,你可以永远保留之。   If the book will be of any use to you, you can have it for keeps .   我却被海盗船长作为他自己的战利品留下,成了他的奴隶。这是因为我年轻伶俐,对他有用处。   As his proper prize, and made is slave, being young and nimble, and fit for his business.   如果你现在正在准备孕育宝宝,希望以下信息对你有用处,如果你现在还没有生育计划,这些信息以后也可以作为参考之用。   Hope it is useful for some of you in planning stage. For those of you do not have any plan in thenear future, you can keep it for future reference.   如果这本书对你有用处的话,你可以永远保留之。   If you can't finish the book by then, you must come and renew it.   在这里,我将分享我个人用来战胜拖延,取得巨大成功的方法步骤。这11步肯定对你也有用处。   Here, I will share my personal steps which I use to overcome procrastination with greatsuccess.   “这些都对我们有用处,因为我们的记忆功能实在没有什么条理性。”他说道。   “We need all of these things because our memories are so fundamentally disorganized, ” hesays.   你的忠告对我很有用处。   Your advice was of great use to me.   这是本对你很有用处的书。   He is the best student that I've ever taught.   对有用处英语短语篇3   我认为问问题对我很有用处。   I think asking questions is very useful to me.   这11步肯定对你也有用处。   These 11 steps will definitely apply to you too   在以后我为始终敬畏的总统服务的两年半时间里,这种锻炼对我很有用处。   It would serve me well over the next two and a half years, as I worked for the President, whoremained for me an object of awe and mystery.   当我们被鼓励去把周围的人视作我们当下娱乐,或对将来有用处的东西时,友谊的这一特质受到了威胁;   It is threatened when we are encouraged to look upon those around us as the stuff of ourcurrent enjoyment or our future advantage.   土壤里对植物有用处的矿质元素在被带入树根之前必须先溶于土壤溶液之中。   The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soilsolution before they can be taken into the root.   希望这些话对大家有用处。   Hope that these would be useful to everyone.   这要花不少钱,但是我们还是需要它,它肯定对我们有用处。   It will cost a lot of money. At the same time, I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.   请随意对你的同学,朋友,亲戚,同事说,如果这个网站对他们有用处。   Please tell your friends, classmates, relatives or other people, if this website is useful to them.   这一点对家长很有用处,因为就连还不会说话的小孩子似乎也有能力理解和模仿关心他人和慷慨大方的举动。   That can be useful for parents since even children too young to talk seem able to absorb andimitate acts of empathy and generosity.   但是公主送给他一把剑,上面镶着金币,而这对他特别有用处。   But the princess gave him a sword which was studded with gold coins, and these he could use.   要想让消费者们相信这个操作系统对他们很有用处,Google还得做大量的工作。   A lot of work needs to be done to convince consumers that this operating system will be usefulto them.   不可否认,许多人非常势利,他们愿意与我们交朋友是因为我们对他们会有用处。   There’s no denying that some people are very snobbish and they would like to make friendswith us simply because we are useful to them.   这本书对你有很大用处。   This book will be of great use to you.   这本书对你有很大用处。   This book will be of great use to you.