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放风筝用英文是fly a kite。 词汇分析短语:fly a kite 音标:[flaɪ ə kaɪt] 。 例句: 1.你应该迎着风放风筝。 You should fly your kite against the wind. 2.你可以对那个怪物放风筝,但是你不能放术士和宠物两个的风筝。 You can kite this demon, but you can not kite her and the pet. 3.秋天你可以干什么?我可以放风筝。 What can you do in fall? I can fly kites. 4.我可以放风筝,捉蝴蝶。 I can fly a kite and catch butterflies. 5.在春天,我可以放风筝。 In spring, I can fly kites. 6.我还可以放风筝和爬山。 I can fly a kite and go climbing, too. 7.当春天来的时候,我将和家里的人一起放风筝。 When spring comes, I will fly kites with my family. 8.我能看见一些人正在广场上放风筝。 I can see some people flying kites on the square. 9.我可以放风筝,我想那是很有趣的事。 I can fly a kite. I think it is very interesting. 10.我有点不想在今天放风筝了。我说。 I am not sure I want to fly a kite today, I said.


“放风筝”的英文表达法: 1、fly a kite 2、fly kites 【例句】 1、Let’s head for the mountain and fly a kite. 我们去山上放风筝吧。 2、What can you do in fall? I can fly kites. 秋天你可以干什么?我可以放风筝。 3、Do you want to fly to kite? 你想去放风筝吗? 4、Let's fly a kite together at the weekend! 这个周末我们一起去放风筝吧! 5、Do you like flying a kite? 你喜欢放风筝吗?6、Sometimes my father takes me to fly kites. 有时候爸爸带我去放风筝。 7、Li Ming is flying a kite now. 李明正在放风筝。 8、Why do you like fall? Because I can fiy kites. 你为什么喜欢秋天?因为我可以放风筝。 9、Spring is a good season to fly kites. You can fly your kites in the park, in the field or on the playground. 春天是放风筝的好季节,你可以去公园,田野里或者操场上放风筝。 10、What great fun it is to fly kites! 放风筝真有趣!


fly a kite 英 [flai ə kait] 美 [flai e kaɪt] fly kites 英 [flai kaits] 美 [flai kaɪts] 1、He often goes to fly a kite with his father. 他经常和爸爸去公园放风筝。 2、On weekends, you can fly a kite in the Ever Green Park. 周末你可以去万绿园放风筝。 3、India was named best place to fly a kite as the pastime is a daily activity for many Indians. 在印度,放风筝是很多印度人日常生活消遣的活动,所以被评为最适合放风筝的国家。 4、I often see some people fly kites in spring. 我经常看见一些在春天放风筝。 5、In fact, people of all ages fly kites in their free time. 事实上,老老少少在闲暇进都很喜欢放风筝。 6、Most of the time, Chongqing's sky is grey with fog and smog, but on clear days people fly kites and play badminton in public plazas. 大部分时间,重庆的天空是灰色的,并且有烟雾,但是晴天的时候,人们会在公共广场上放风筝和玩羽毛球。