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袋鼠英文:kangaroo 读音:英 [ˌkæŋɡə'ruː] 美 [ˌkæŋɡə'ruː] 相关短语: 1、Boxing kangaroo 拳击袋鼠 2、a kangaroo 一只袋鼠 3、Project Kangaroo 袋鼠项目 常见句型: 1、Kangaroo took the cookie from the cookie jar. 袋鼠从饼干罐里拿走了饼干。 2、This unique animal has the head of a kangaroo, the body of a deer, and vampire-like fangs. 这种独特的动物有著袋鼠般的头,鹿一般的身体,还有吸血鬼般的尖牙。 3、The kangaroo is a native of Australia while one of animals native to China is the panda. 袋鼠是澳大利亚的土产动物而中国的土产动物之一是熊猫。 扩展资料:1、同义词:roo 读音:英 [ruː]     美 [ruː] 释义:n. 袋鼠(=kangaroo) 例句:I've never seen a young roo jumped that high. 我从来没有看见过跳得这么高的小袋鼠。 2、近义词:bandicoot 读音:英 ['bændɪkuːt]  美 ['bændɪkuːt] 释义:n. 大鼠;袋鼠 例句:bandicoot with leathery ears like a rabbit. 长着类似兔子的革质耳朵的袋狸。


袋鼠的英文:kangaroo kangaroo 读法 英 [,kæŋgə'ruː] 美 [,kæŋɡə'ru] n(名词). 袋鼠 短语 1、Boxing kangaroo 拳击袋鼠 ; 拳击袋鼠旗 2、Kangaroo Paw 袋鼠爪 ; 袋鼠爪花 ; 袋鼠花 ; 花瓣的袋鼠掌 3、kangaroo court 私设之法庭 4、kangaroo closure 限制议事法 扩展资料kangaroo 相关词语 animal 词语用法 1、animal用作名词的意思可分为几个层次:①指区别于植物、矿物的动物,即有感觉、能运动的生物; ②指除人和细菌等以外的动物; ③指哺乳动物,尤指四足动物; ④常用于指牲畜。animal是可数名词。 2、animal用于比喻可指“畜生一般的人”“残暴的人”,即具有某种动物般性格(受本能支配,无思维能力,无道德观念等)的人。还可指“与众不同的人,奇怪的东西”。是可数名词。 3、animal还可指“兽性”,此时是不可数名词。 4、animal用作可数名词时其前可加定冠词。表示一种动物时也可加不定冠词。 5、animal用作形容词的意思是“动物的”,指具有某些动物的特征; 还可指“肉体的”。animal引申还可指“活泼的,开朗的”。 6、animal为定语形容词,即多用在名词前起修饰作用。 词汇搭配 1、breed animals 饲养动物 2、catch an animal 抓住动物 3、domesticate animals 驯养动物 4、feed animals 喂动物 5、hunt animals 捕杀动物


读音:英 [ˌkæŋɡə'ruː]     美 [ˌkæŋɡə'ruː]   语法: 1、可接“名词+动词不定式”“名词+现在分词”“名词+过去分词”。宾语后所接的形容词,过去分词或名词都可作表语。 例句: There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins 有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。 2、常与动词的一般时、将来时、完成时或将来完成时连用。前后一般用同一个名词、数词或副词,名词前不用定冠词,且不用于复数形式。 例句: Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and wate 袋鼠与牛羊争夺稀少的食物和水。 扩展资料 用法: 1、接名词或代词作宾语。也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。 例句: Is it all kangaroos and surfing? 都是袋鼠和冲浪吗? 2、接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 例句: There are kangaroos and beautiful beaches in Australia 澳大利亚有袋鼠和美丽的沙滩。


袋鼠的英文:kangaroo;roo;bandicoot 英语单词:kangaroo:英 [,kæŋgə'ruː] 美 [,kæŋɡə'ru] n. 袋鼠 复数 kangaroos或kangaroo roo:英 [ruː] 美 [ru] n. 袋鼠 bandicoot 英 ['bændɪkuːt] 美 ['bændɪkut] n. 袋狸 例句:The kangaroo bounded across the road. 那只袋鼠跃过道路。 Legend has it that the kangaroo gets its name from an early meeting between local aborigines and white settlers. 关于袋鼠名字的由来有这样一个传说:早期殖民者初到澳洲,见到了当地的土著人。

5,英文名 原点


A sunny afternoon, the sun through the sparse clouds, penetrate down. It crossed the window and filled the whole room. You see! It whispered on the clock on the desk. The table stood quietly, no matter how tall the lamp next to him laughed it, it stood there without saying it. I
stared at the clock, the second hand in the walk, a second walk a small
cell, every step, its thin body trembling, from the origin, until the
end. look! It starts from zero, walks and walks, it seems never to feel tired. listen! Tick, tick it while walking, while humming ditty. Every second it is forging ahead and never stopping. I secretly for it in the heart of oil, hope it is more and more away from the victory of a step closer. From the origin, to 3, to 6, to 9, the exciting moment to it, it is necessary to reach 12 - the end of victory. "Drops -" the table rang a bit. 5:00 out. I was surprised to find that the second hand to reach the end, did not stop, start the journey again.
it is the end, is the origin, to reach the end, it is necessary from
the origin, arrived at the end, back to the origin, we must go to the
end to work hard. So the cycle, then the clock and then how hard to walk, but also escape back to the origin of the helpless.